Treebirynth, a new personal project
An exciting board game set on a tree
I'm excited to introduce my latest personal project: "Treebirynth," a captivating board game designed for young explorers and families.
This game offers an exciting adventure set in the heart of a lush forest, where animals compete to conquer the tree and find hidden food among the branches.
"Treebirynth" is a game for 2-4 players, suitable for children aged 6 and up, featuring tile placement, path-building, and dice-rolling mechanics.
Players take on the roles of various forest animals (ant, squirrel, green lizard, marten, mantis, dormouse), each with its dietary preferences and specific dangers to avoid.
The objective is simple yet challenging: collect all the food items on the player's list before its opponents, using strategic skills and a bit of luck.
The game unfolds by building intricate paths on the tree branches, quickly moving the token, and collecting objectives.
Each animal has a set of foods to gather, with designated spaces on their animal sheet for placing the objective tiles.
This dynamic accurately reflects the biology of the featured species, based on scientific literature, offering an experience that combines fun and learning.
"Treebirynth" is designed to fosters cognitive and strategic skills in children, encouraging their curiosity about ecological dynamics.
It's also ideal for educators and schools, as it represents an educational entertainment option that deepens knowledge about animal nutrition and the forest ecosystem.
The game's setting in the temperate boreal forest, a life-rich environment found in many parts of the world, makes it suitable for a wide international audience.
This project is an exciting combination of my passions and skills. I'm a passionate board game enthusiast and play regularly, frequently attending events like Lucca Comics & Games,
where the Games pavilion is my favorite. I have extensive experience in board game illustration, but here I developed the game's mechanics and rules, along with illustrations for the tiles, boards, and characters.
The game is currently seeking a publisher. For more information, please feel free to contact me.