An illustrated book for Scarpetta d'Oro
The story inspired by the awarded illustration
I've been working on this picturebook during the last summer and I finally can show it!
The title is "Un paio a ciscuno" (i. e. A pair of shoes to each one) and the text was written by the class IV of "Italia K2" primary school from
Fiesso d'Artico (Venice - Italy).
The story tells about the adventures of a bear cub who is helped by a group of superheroes after losing his mother.
You can browse the gallery to give a look to my favourite illustrations or read the whole text on Scarpetta d'Oro's website
Scarpetta d'Oro's website of
and you'll find bad hunters and great superpowers, secret bases and erupting volcanoes. And a new character
that is going to unveil the mistery of the missing shoes on my awarded illustration that inspired the picture book.
Yesterday the class of kids who wrote the story was awarded at Palarcobaleno, Fossò (Venice - Italy) and the picturebook was finally shown.