Scarpetta d’Oro 2013
Winner! See you in Vigonza
Hooray! My illustration wan the first prize! Its title is "E se le scambiassi? (i. e. What if I exchange mine for these ones?) and it is being exhibited at Castello dei da Peraga – Villa Bettarini a Peraga di Vigonza (PD, Italy) from 19th October to 10th November as the winner of the as the winner of the International Children Illustration Award Scarpetta d'Oro I can say that good ideas can arrive even running to the bus stop. After overthinking the subject "Scarpe su misura" (i. e. "Shoes made to measure") many days long, I suddenly got the proper idea dashing down a steep street in Genoa, Via Papigliano. Apparently the idea was a good one! The contest calls for following steps: elementary schools will be challenged to invent a story based on my illustration and then I'll illustrate the winning tale. So I'll design my first picture book!